
Arthan Kaebon Phee (aka The Commitment); Tajlandia

Blood of Grudge; Tajlandia

Body sob 19 (aka Body/Body #19/Ciało nr 19); Tajlandia

Buppha Rahtree 3.1 (aka Rahtree Reborn 3.1); Tajlandia

Bangkok Haunted; Tajlandia

Cheuat Gon Chim (aka Meat Grinder); Tajlandia

Colic: Dek hen pee (aka Colic/Kolka); Tajlandia

Coming soon; Tajlandia

Dek hor (aka Dorm/Akademik); Tajlandia

Fan Mai (aka My Ex 2: Haunted Lover/ Moja nawiedzona była dziewczyna); Tajlandia

Fak wai nai gai thoe (aka The Swimmers/Złożone w ich ciele); Tajlandia

Faet (aka Alone); Tajlandia

Ghost of Mae Nak (aka Duch Mae Nak); Tajlandia

Game pluk phi (aka Ghost Coins/Duchowe monety); Tajlandia

Hunch; Tajlandia

Hospital; Tajlandia

Hak yae (aka Black Night); Japonia/Tajlandia/Hongkong

Ha Phraeng (aka Phobia 2/4bia 2); Tajlandia

Jun-Ka-Por (aka Crying Tree); Tajlandia

Khew ar-khard (aka The Intruder); Tajlandia

Khon len khong (aka Art of the Devil); Tajlandia

Krai...Nai Hong (aka Who RU?/Who are You?); Tajlandia

Long khong (aka Art of the Devil 2); Tajlandia

The Medium (aka Medium); Tajlandia/Korea Południowa